11th BME CEE Procurement and Supply Forum

Speak directly and efficiently with your prospective customers and find alternatives in Central and Eastern Europe.


Source image: BME e.V.

Source image: BME e.V.

Source image: BME e.V.

Olaf Holzgrefe

Head of International & Affairs

+49 6196 58 28-343

[email protected]


Date: 30 September 2025

Location: Mercure Hotel Kraków Fabryczna City, Kraków, Poland

Partners: AHKs and others


7 Interested buying companies

28 Interested supplying companies

To express your interest, log in or register and select the event under "Dashboard".

One of BME International’s biggest annual event will be organized for the 11th time on the 30 Septemebr 2025. CEE Procurement and Supply Forum combines highly informative lectures by renowned procurement experts, discussions with extensive networking options and B2B matchmaking with suppliers from numerous Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. We are particularly excited for this year’s edition as we are expanding our agenda with, among others, workshops, and more sourcing insights, like current developments and trends, thanks to our long-term partners from German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHKs).


With CEE Forum, BME is moving into the largest procurement region for buying companies. And although Central Eastern Europe market is already established, the possibilities are far from exhausted. If you want to discover its further potential and explore valuable opportunities for connecting with suppliers and gaining deeper insights into procurement practices across this part of Europe join our event.


All supplying and buying companies can get an overview in advance, as they are all presented transparently on our BME Matchmaking Platform and can be selected there for B2B meetings. The supplier search is based on individual needs and requirements of the registered buyers. These company profiles will be sent to supplying companies from 18 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. In order to ensure better quality and efficiency of the event, we have adjusted the registration process. To take part in the individual supplier search, please register in “Shop” in your online account on the platform. In case you identify less than 4 suitable suppliers, no costs will be incurred.


After a qualified selection of different suppliers - from Estonia to the Czech Republic and the Western Balkans to Romania, buyers can hold up to 20 individual meetings in one day on-site. Buyers can select suppliers and either additionally book an individual table to meet them in pre-scheduled B2B meetings or reserve a Meet & Greet table, where meeting times are not scheduled in advance.  The aim is to provide tailored support to buyers with their procurement challenges as well as enable insight into purchasing companies’ sourcing strategies as well as needs, and then talk face-to-face with buyers during individual B2B meetings about potential cooperation.


BME, together with its AHK partners will shed light on the purchasing potential of the markets during two information webinars for buyers:

- Sourcing Spotlight on Central Eastern Europe: Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic. Please register here...

- Sourcing Spotlight on Central Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine. Please register here... 

- Sourcing Spotlight on Central Eastern Europe: Hungary. Please register here... 


An information webinar for suppliers will take place on 17 June 2025, from 14:00 a.m. until 15:30 p.m. (CET). Please register for the free webinar here.


Participation in the event, individual supplier list and Meet & Greet Table – all for the price of 995 euros (plus VAT) per company! B2B Table with pre-scheduled meetings costs additionally 250 euros. With the BME Sourcing Guarantee, participants take no risk - if not enough suitable suppliers are found, no costs will be incurred.


Voices from participants of previous CEE Forums

"Excellent organization and good set-up for B2B meetings and networking. I liked the open and positive atmosphere." Klaus Lawory, Vice President Procurement, Kirchhoff Automotive Deutschland GmbH.
"The CEE Forum is an extremely efficient format which allows us to conduct supplier screening for Eastern Europe in one day. We have found many suitable suppliers as a result." Dominik Breitbach, Supplier Development Engineer, Stabilus GmbH.

How do you benefit from CEE Forum? Olaf Rüter, Osborn

Impressions past CEE Procurement & Supply Forum


Prices for suppliers

  • Registration for BME Matchmaking service: free of charge
  • B2B Booking Costs per company: 395€
    2nd Person 20% discount
  • B2B Booking Cost for company, registered as premium-supplier on www.bmeopensourcing.com or on AHK-ISF Platform: 295€
    2nd Person 20% discount
  • Please note: Cancellation 7 days prior to the event: 50% of the price. Participants, who do not show up at the event without prior cancellation are obliged to pay the full participation fee.

Prices for buyers


  • Registration for BME Matchmaking service: free of charge
  • B2B Booking Costs for buyers:
    Per company: 995€*
       Incl. access to detailed supplier profiles und Meet & Greet Table - individual table with a company name, a list of all registered suppliers, no pre-scheduled meetings and
       one participant
    » Per additional person: 395€
    » Per person for customers of 1 Year Flat Rate All Supplier Lists: 695€
    » B2B Table per company: 250€
       Individual table with company name and pre-scheduled meetings / meeting schedule with chose suppliers.
    » Non-Buyers (Service-Providers/Consultants/IT-Platforms): 1.295€
    » Cancellation fee: 395€
    » Please note: Cancellation 7 days prior to the event: 50% of the price. Participants, who do not show up at the event without prior cancellation are obliged to pay the full
       participation fee.
  • Right of withdrawal free of charge/BME-Sourcing-Garantee: If less than 4 matching suppliers are found, you can cancel the booking free of charge.

Additional services for buyers


  • For more information, please click here.














Lisa Immensack

Senior International

Project Managerin

+49 6196 5828-345

[email protected]


Joanna Chrzanowska

International Project


+49 6196 5828-186

j[email protected]


Roland Knoor

Director Sponsoring


+49 6196 5828-113

[email protected]



Source Photos: BME e.V. 

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