11th Purchasing Initiative Western Balkans

Join the supplier search and find matching business partners by registering for the BME Matchmaking Services!


Source image: BME e.V.

Source image: BME e.V.

Source image: BME e.V.

Olaf Holzgrefe

Head of International & Affairs

+49 6196 58 28-343

[email protected]


Date: 4 June 2025

Location: IHK Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany

Partners: AHK Serbia + 4 AHKs in the Western Balkans


18 Interested buying companies

21 Interested supplying companies

To express your interest, log in or register and select the event under "Dashboard".





Join our well-established event and find matching business partners from different regions.

After the success of previous editions, BME will once again organize the Purchasing Initiative Western Balkans on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) as part of the Market Development Program for SMEs (MEP) of GTAI. Together with the local Chambers of Commerce Abroad, BME is searching for suitable suppliers who meet needs and requirements of German buyers in 8 countries: Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Albania.


The 11th edition of the Purchasing Initiative Western Balkans is set to be a key event in 2025, providing a comprehensive overview of the region's potential, with a particular focus on opportunities for SMEs. Over the past decade, this initiative has distinguished itself as the premier event for connecting German companies with the production materials sector in the Western Balkans. With 10 successful editions, more than 4,000 B2B meetings, and a robust network of BME, AHKs, and industry participants, it stands as a best practice in international matchmaking and collaboration.


The focus this year is again on metal construction, cast and forged parts, stamped and bent parts, injection molding, plastic and electronic components, welded assemblies, assembly, production materials, drawing parts, as well as IT or engineering.


Explore the opportunities in the Western Balkan procurement market at our information webinar for German buying companies in collaboration with our AHK partners on 29 January 2025, from 10:00 to 11:30 (CET). Please register to the free webinar here and gain valuable insights into this dynamic region.


An information webinar for suppliers will take place on 28 February 2025, from 10:00 to 11:30 (CET). Please register for the free webinar here ...


Registration for the events is now open. Register on the website or log in to your profile and mark your interest in the event. Based on the buyer’s procurement needs filled in the RFI profile, suppliers can indicate their interest in meeting these companies after filling or updating their profile. Participation in the search process and registration is free of charge for suppliers and buyers. In accordance with the German government's funding guidelines, buying companies will be charged a small contribution only for taking part in on-site B2B meetings.


Buyers feedback about past event:

Windmöller & Hölscher KG: The event was very well organized with good discussions, lots of information and interesting suppliers.

Lapp Mobility GmbH: Our expectations have been exceeded.

Stäubli Bayreuth GmbH: The event had a suitable atmosphere, the quality was once again outstanding, and the entire BME team, once again did everything to make the buyer's heart beat a little faster.


Suppliers feedback about past event:

Avexcor: I liked the atmosphere, the organization, the overall feeling of welcome, and the effort placed in the whole event.

Radiona Metalobrada: BME meetings are always great. My company has found many customers at these events over the last 6-7 years.

Orkoplast d.o.o.: It´s a great opportunity to find buyers. We are happy to attend the next event.


Impressions Purchasing Initiative Western Balkans











First steps to participate in this event 

➀ Register first as a buyer or a supplier for BME Matchmaking Service free of charge.
➁ Fill out and send the questionnaire to BME. Mark the events you are interested in.
➂ BME will inform you as soon as you get access to the profiles, can select your preferred B2B partners and register for the events.


Prices for suppliers

  • Registration for BME Matchmaking service: free of charge
  • B2B Booking Costs: free of charge
  • The AHK partners in the respective countries are available to answer any queries from suppliers:
    AHK Serbia + AHK Croatia + AHK Slovenia and the delegations in Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania & Montenegro

Prices for buyers

  • Registration for BME Matchmaking service and supplier search: free of charge
    Note: Participation only for companies with headquarters or a production site located in Germany.       
  • The B2B-Meeting Booking Costs: In accordance with the funding guidelines of the Federal Ministry, a contribution must be paid for participation in the B2B Matchmaking (DeMinimis regulation). The amount depends on the size of the company:

    - 250 euros (net) for participants with less than 2 million euros annual turnover and fewer than 10 employees
    - 375 euros (net) for participants with less than 50 million euros annual turnover and fewer than 500 employees
    - 500 euros (net) for participants with an annual turnover of more than 50 million euros or more than 500 employees

    Note: After participation confirmation you receive a “De-minimis-Beihilfen” declaration (PDF) to fill out and send back to [email protected]. Should the funding limit be exhausted, a separate participation fee will be charged.

Additional information about the region provided by GTAI (German):


Contact: In case of questions, please contact us at [email protected]


In co-operation with: 



Sources Impressions: BME/Rosie Fontanilla, BME/Wolf Heider-Sawall

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