Past Event - 3rd Purchasing Initiative ASEAN

Find new suppliers in Southeast Asia during the next edition of the purchasing initiative - tailored to your requirements and efficient thanks to online B2B meetings.


Source image: BME e.V.

Source image: BME e.V.

Source image: BME e.V.


Date: 22 April - 15 May 2024

Location: Online

Partners: AHKS ASEAN, OAV – German Asia-Pacific Business Association


46 Interested buying companies

163 Interested supplying companies

Buyer Presentation - Interoll Holding GmbH

Buyer Presentation - Möller Chemie 

Platform Presentation - How to use? 

AHK Presentation - Malaysia and Thailand

Seminar: Indonesia and Philippinnes

Buyer Presentation - Voith Group

Seminar: Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia

German Asia-Pacific Business Association

ASEAN Purchasing Initiatives 2021 and 2022 have shown that the potential in Southeast Asia is huge. And in many cases still unknown. The next edition of the event, organized on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and as part of the Market Development Program for SMEs (MEP), offers once again support in the areas of sourcing, supply chain management, regionalization and de-risking. 


The 3rd ASEAN Purchasing Initiative will expand in 2024. In addition to Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia, the Philippines and Indonesia are also included in the event. "This will cover the entire ASEAN region and offer more possibilities in regards to goods, suppliers, as well as create new networking opportunities." No travelling, high efficiency, and a large number of potential suppliers or new clients at no cost– these are just some of the advantages of this digital format!


Meet your personal favorites for direct discussions in efficient online B2B meetings and get an overview of the sourcing options in 7 countries. We, BME, local AHKs and OAV, will connect suppliers from ASEAN region with focus on drawing parts, metal, electronics, cast parts, welded assemblies, etc. directly with buyers from all industrial sectors.   


What buyers say about last event
Stiebel Eltron GmbH: I liked the setup and organization of the online event.
Knorr-Bremse AG: The matchmaking saved us time, allowing us to quickly find with relevant suppliers.


What suppliers say about last event
P&A Industrial Trading Co, Ltd: I like how the organizers prepared the event and through this I can understand the needs and standards of buyers from Germany and Europe in general.
Kobay Technology Bhd: Overall the event was impressive, well-organized, and offered valuable networking opportunities. It exceeded my expectations in terms of the quality of interactions and potential business prospects.
Professional Tools & Dies Sdn Bhd: I'm very satisfied with the BME online meetings arrangement, especially with the correct targeted companies.

INNO LIGHT TECHNOLOGY JOINT STOCK COMPANY: Very helpful event, which highlighted the actual needs of both buyers and sellers.


Register now at and enter your requirements by completing or updating the RFI Questionnaire. After the supplier search is finished, select your B2B partners, who you will get to know in 20-minute slots on an individual B2B day in April/May.


Participation in the search process and online B2B meetings is free of charge for both suppliers and buyers.


First steps to participate in this event 

➀ Register first as buyer or supplier for BME Matchmaking Service free of charge.
➁ Fill out and send the questionnaire to BME. Mark the events you are interested in.
➂ BME will inform you as soon as you get access to the profiles, can select your preferred B2B partners and
    register for the events.


Prices for suppliers


  • Registration for BME Matchmaking service: free of charge
  • B2B Booking Costs: free of charge

Prices for buyers


  • Registration for BME Matchmaking service: free of charge
  • B2B Booking Costs: free of charge, limited to German/Germany based companies

Note: Participation only for companies with headquarter or a production site located in Germany.



INFOLETTER 3rd Purchasing

Initiative ASEAN (German)

The Philippines -

Presentation AHK Philippines

Updates on the Indonesian

export market - AHK Indonesia

Thailand - German-Thai Chamber

of Commerce (GTCC)

Sourcing from Cambodia and

Laos - AHK Vietnam

3rd Purchasing Initiative 

ASEAN - Presentation BME e.V.


Access Germany - AHK Vietnam

In co-operation with: 



Contact: In case of questions, please contact us at [email protected] 



Olaf Holzgrefe
Head of International Business & Affairs
+49 6196 5828-343
[email protected] 

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